Ultimate Do-It Yourself Kit


This kit is for the ultimate Do-It-Yourself person. It does not provide detailed instructions on how to complete each of the steps but just gives you the information necessary to provide a completed packet to ALTCS.

What’s Included?

  • Income-Only/Miller Trust Preparation
  • Quick Guide to ALTCS Submission

Do-It Yourself Kit


This kit is for the Do-It-Yourself person who wants more information and a set of detailed instructions to provide a completed packet to ALTCS.

What’s Included?

  • Income-Only/Miller Trust Preparation
  • Step-by-Step Instructions for ALTCS Submission
  • Blank Forms to be completed and then turned into ALTCS: ALTCS Income-Only Trust Forms, Direct Deposit Change Forms, Direct Debit Change Forms

Hands-On Assistance Kit


This kit is for someone that wants to have more hands-on assistance including a clear understanding of the process and the purpose of the Trust document.

What’s Included?

  • Income-Only/Miller Trust Preparation and Signing/Notarizing of the document
  • Step-by-Step Instructions
  • Our office will complete the forms for ALTCS: IOT, Direct Deposit, Direct Debit
  • 2 Hours of IOT Consulting with one of our consultants
  • Assistance opening an IOT account with you
  • Binder to keep all the documents organized
  • Home Visit Fee (Maricopa County)
  • Postage & Handling